Ok, after some time not having internet really handy, it's time for the BIG UPDATE! YAY! You will be able to read, finally, what we've been doing this past week. Finland, Sweden, Danmark, and now Holland. It's great, going around, meeting sceners, having loads of fun and feeling that the demoscene is far from dead.
I suggest you start reading from bottom to top, because that way you read chronologically. Just find the last post you've read - if you never read anyone, start with the first post in the archives, on the right column of this blog - and make your way up.
Now for some reporting business...
Waking up on sunday was hard. The body was sore from the football action the day before and all the excitement from the compos was still in the bloodstream. But we had to be quick, the prize giving ceremony was about to start and we had to travel around 10 hours. So, quick breakfast and pack. NOW!
cereals: breakfast of champions
The prize giving ceremony was short, but nice. Fuzzy was calling all the names and groups and Tournesol was distributing the prices. Besides the white envelopes, people won Renoise licenses, keyboards, mice, steerable kites, mouse pads, lava lamps, plasma balls and other stuff. We, as the soccer compo winners, won 2 lego cars! YAY! Gargaj kept one and ps kept the other one. Rup and I will just remember them with the fondest of the memories.
Gargaj receiving his prize for his intro
Then we left. Besides Rup, ps and I, Synteesi was also coming with us to Holland. Which was nice. We almost ran out of gas at some point, but everything was under control. The Epic Vehicle is awesome.
When we arrived in Rotterdam, we went to eat - we were starving - and then proceeded to sleep. That was very nice also. The next day, we went to Amsterdam, where we met Shifter, Okkie, Mnemonix, Avoozl, Dixan, Sparcus and Brainpower. We had some beers, then food, then more beer, and then more beer. Good thing that Rup can drive, I was able to join the drinking beer part! :)
Today, we just woke up and did some laundry. And now, I'm here writing this, uploading all the pictures... and I'm already tired. Time to sleep more, I guess... see you all tomrrow.
I just love the way you descripe your trip, and the experiences you had... if this was pöuet, i would thumb it up !
By Anonymous, at 10:00 PM
thanks, man! :)
By jeenio, at 5:04 AM
Hey, at least you won tickets to the event somewhere halfway :)
By Anonymous, at 2:29 PM
Yeah, that rocked!!! Overall, scene event started quite bad for me and ended up being one of the nicest demoparties I've attended! :)
By jeenio, at 2:36 PM
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