Demoscene Summer Tour 2005 - The Epic Voyage

Thursday, August 04, 2005

04.08.2005 16:00

Here we are in a ferry boat again... This time, we are going from Göteburg to Frederikshavn. Some time again to write a little bit.


Sweden was just great. Even if our staying was short, we did have some good time. We arrived at Stockholm on the 2nd at around 9:30, Tobias went to pick us up and he drove us to his place. The question there was: either we stay there and rest, or we go with him and meet the city. I was the only one who took off with him, because they were all too tired, but instead of meet the city, I met body workout. Tobias was teaching some street dance class to 15 year-old kids, and I joined. Oh man, my abs still hurt.

In the evening we went to meet the city (finally) and city was very pleased to meet us. As we met, we went to various places, always with Tobias. It has that scandinavian touch to it, with the colourful houses and the mountain landscape surrounded by water. I was surprised with the ammount of tourists, I had no idea that
Stockholm was such a touristic destination.

the king's palace... or castle... or something

We had dinner at a chinese restaurant, where the service was very funny: the plates arrived empty in the table, on top of each other, and we were supposed to deal them around. The same with the cutlery and glasses. Funny. The food itself was good, and we had some fun with Jonas (whizzter) and Nisse (thor), some oldskool sceners who met us there.

whizzter and thor

[note: I have now too much free time... I'm writing all these details in comparison to other parts of this blog! Oh well, who cares?]

We went to have a drink in a pub with the guys. During that, Tobias, Rup and I went to get the power cable of an old laptop that Tobias had. Why? Because he GAVE me that laptop! OH YEAH! I have a laptop now! It rules! Thank you Tobias!

Tobias rulezzz!

[note: it doesn't have an operating system yet, but it rules already.]

The next day we departed to Örebro. From Stockholm, you have to take the E18, which leads directly to Örebro. Ok, until here there's no problem. What do we do? We see the E18, one direction to Stockholm and another one to Norrtälje. We have no idea where Norrtälje is, but we are sure we don't want to go to Stockholm again, so we take the direction Norrtälje. After some 60 km, ps decides to find the city in the map. Unfortunately, Norrtälje is NORTH of Stockholm. This means that we were all that time driving wrong.

That was quite funny.

Well, not THAT funny, but we had some laughs. Instead of driving back to Stockholm, we decided to go west, where we should have gone in the first place. [off topic: GO WEST!!!!!] Anyway, we went through the country side of mid-Sweden, and that was beautiful. In the highway we just saw trees and some fields, whereas in that small road we saw many small towns and lakes and other points of interest. I was thinking: maybe I should have a small hut in the middle of Sweden, just to get away from everything if I need. It would be extremely nice, now that I think about that.

We finally arrived in Örebro at 18:00, just in time to go buy food, booze and go to Oyiseer's place to cook and eat and drink. At 22:00, I was ready to bed. Instead, we just sat there and boozed while watching demos.

It's amazing how better the Assembly entries sounded in his sound system. It's the disavantage of such a huge party place, it's a hell to provide a decent sound system there. [note: the Hartwall Areena sound system is MONO! Yes, mono. Oh well...] Anyway, Rup and I were very tired and needed to rest so that we could drive the next day, so ps and Gargaj went with Oyiseer and Maktone - who had joined for boozing and watching demos - to some pub in the city.

Now, as I wasn't there, I will not write anything further about that night. I heard some stories, but I don't want to post anything as I was not an eye witness. So, for more information, contact ps or Gargaj. ;)

the day after...

The next day we just had breakfast and drove straight to Göteburg. No detours this time. Just one stop to refill humans and machine and we arrived with more than enough time to the ferry.

it can carry loads of trucks, cars, passengers... incredible.

I'm still sitting here, Rup is watching some photos with ps and Gargaj is listening some music from his pda. I guess I will stop writing now and check the swedish and danish chicks in the boat.

After all, I didn't come this far to stare at a computer screen, DID I?!


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